UAV Repair Terms of Service

UAV Repair Terms of Service

Thank you for choosing Maverick Drone Systems drone repair service. This service is provided by Maverick Drone Systems LLC (hereinafter as “Maverick Drone Systems”). After receiving and assessing your product, Maverick Drone Systems will repair or replace your product according to our policies. By using our Repair service, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT USE OUR REPAIR SERVICE.
1.You agree to pay the $150 diagnostic fee that will be charged even if you do not agree to the repair.
2. You agree to provide your personal information (including but not limited to name, telephone number, address, age and etc.) to Maverick Drone Systems and authorize us to use this information when we are providing you services.
3. If you use a third-party delivery service when returning your product to Maverick Drone Systems, Maverick Drone Systems will not take any responsibility for any losses that occur during transportation.
4. To avoid any issues during transportation, please pack your product safely and securely before shipment. Maverick Drone Systems will not take any responsibility for any losses due to improper packing.
5. Maverick Drone Systems will not take any responsibility for damage during the repair process that does not effect the functionality of the product. For example, exterior scratches from pry tools or screwdrivers.
6. If a battery is swollen, has suffered cosmetic damage, is leaking liquid, or has come into contact with water, do not return the battery to avoid accidents during transportation. Maverick Drone Systems will not take responsibility for any injury or losses incurred due to such issues.
7. Do not return the SD card unless Maverick Drone Systems explicitly instructs you to do so. If instructed to send your SD card, back up any personal or sensitive data first before shipment. Maverick Drone Systems will not take any responsibility for the loss, recovery, or compromise of data or use of equipment arising out of the services provided by Maverick Drone Systems.
8. Do not send Maverick Drone Systems any non-drone items, such as third party propellers, an SLR camera, or an iPad. Maverick Drone Systems will not take any responsibility for any losses incurred.
9. In detail, please describe your issue(s) and cosmetic damage to your products. Maverick Drone Systems engineers will conduct damage assessment after a product has been received.
10. After receiving a repair estimate, please state whether or not you accept the repair. Maverick Drone Systems will charge a service fee, return shipping costs will be covered. If a product returned to you has been rejected more than twice, Maverick Drone Systems will dispose of the product according to our repair policies.
11. If you reject a repaired product upon return, Maverick Drone Systems
will not take any responsibility for any losses incurred.
12. For the sake of fast turnaround times for our customers, most business is conducted over the phone. All agreements made over the phone are legally binding with interpretation up to our internal records and the Maverick Drone Systems representatives that were on the call.
13. Maverick Drone Systems may make exceptions to this contract at our discretion. However, the exceptions that have not been made will remain in effect.
14. In no event will Maverick Drone Systems be liable to you for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages (including damages for loss of profits, goodwill, or any other intangible loss) arising out of or relating to your access to or use of, or your inability to access or use, the online repair request service or any materials, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), statute, or any other legal theory, and whether or not Maverick Drone Systems has been informed of the possibility of damage. The aggregate liability of Maverick Drone Systems to you for all claims arising out of or relating to the use of or any inability to use any portion of the online repair request service or otherwise under these terms, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, is limited to the amount of your online repair request service order. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages. Accordingly, the above limitation may not apply to you.
15. In normal cases, Maverick Drone Systems will not upgrade the firmware on a returned product. However, Maverick Drone Systems reserves the right to upgrade firmware if it might solve an issue. Please inform us if you wish to not have your firmware updated for any reason.
16. Maverick Drone Systems reserves the right to refuse to provide repair services if the product cannot be repaired due to inappropriate modification.